In an Informal Guidance to Ankur Fincom Management Pvt. Ltd dated 12 June 2020, SEBI has provided clarification on Angel Funds under the SEBI (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations, 2012. Specifically, it has responded to the queries that (i) whether the intent of Angel Fund Regulations is to provide options for investors to selectively participate in each scheme of the Angel Fund; (ii) whether each scheme of an Angel Fund is an independent vehicle with its own set of investors, who have approved to be part of such scheme; and (iii) whether an investor who does not approve to participate in a particular scheme, would be ring-fenced from the scheme investment under Angel Fund Regulations
The applicant Ankur Fincom Management Pvt. Ltd. is the investment manager to Ankur Capital Fund, which is registered with SEBI as a Category-I AIF- Venture Capital Fund- Angel Fund. One of the investors in the fund is an Indian insurance company (Investor X). The fund has invested in Company A, a company registered outside India, having its operations in India. The investor X did not approve for the scheme to invest in Company A and the scheme document filed with SEBI also doesn’t list down the said investor as the participant of that scheme. Hence Investor X has not contributed for their share of investment in Company A and no income/expense, gain/loss is allocated to Investor X with respect to the scheme for investment in Company A. Since each scheme is a separate vehicle within the fund, the accounts of investment, income/expense, gain/loss are maintained separately for each scheme under the fund.
SEBI’s response to the queries are as follows:
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