The MCA has amended the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 related to the procedure for disposal of applications for conversion of public company into private company under Rule 41. Specifically, it has removed the provisions of deemed approval of the application by the Regional Director (RD) in two cases:
Where no consensus is received as required in (ii) above, the RD may approve the conversion, if he is satisfied having regard to all the circumstances of the case, that the conversion would not be against the interests of the company or is not being made with a view to contravene or to avoid complying with the provisions of the Act, with reasons to be recorded in writing: Provided that the conversion shall not be allowed if any inquiry, inspection or investigation has been initiated against the company or any prosecution is pending against the company under the Act.
To refer to the gazette notification dated 25 January 2021 of the Companies (Incorporation) (Amendment) Rules, 2021, click here.
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